Common Choking Hazards in the Summer | First Aid Kit | Dechoker

Man Uses Dechoker® to Save Himself from Choking

October 21, 2021

Man Uses Dechoker® to Save Himself from Choking

It is essential to understand that the Dechoker® can be used on toddlers, children, adults, and yourself. Chris M. bought the Dechoker® to have for his elderly mother and ended up using the Dechoker on himself when he was eating dinner.

Chris is the caregiver for his elderly mother and has had to perform abdominal thrusts on her numerous times, hurting her aging body.
Chris contacted Dechoker® to report his choking incident. His story, in his words, is as follows:

"I bought this to have on hand for my elderly mom in case she ever chokes again, so I don't hurt her fragile body trying to give her the Heimlich Maneuver as I've done in the past. Tonight, I was eating a salad when I began to choke on my dinner. I ran to the kitchen trying to make myself throw up, and it wasn't working, so I turned and saw the Dechoker®. The first pump and the piece of lettuce was dislodged. I thought I was a goner... Thanks again for the Dechoker®."

When you are choking, your airway may be blocked so that not enough oxygen reaches the lungs. Without oxygen, brain damage can occur in as little as 4 - 6 minutes. Rapid first aid for choking, can save your life. The choking first-aid protocol when you are alone is to perform abdominal thrusts. Using the Dechoker® is also a quick, easy and viable option.


How to Perform Abdominal Thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver) on Yourself

If you are alone and choking, it is recommended to call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. Then, although you'll be unable to deliver back blows to yourself effectively, you can still perform abdominal thrusts to dislodge the item.

To perform the heimlich maneuver on yourself, follow these steps: 

  1. Make a fist with one hand. Place the thumb of that hand below your rib cage and above your navel.
  2. Grasp your fist with your other hand. Press your fist forcibly into the upper abdominal area with a quick upward movement

You can also lean over a table edge, chair, or railing. Quickly thrust your upper belly area (upper abdomen) against the edge.

If you need to, repeat this motion until the object blocking your airway comes out.


Using the Dechoker® When Abdominal Thrusts Fail

The Dechoker® is incredibly easy to use. It is designed to be so simple that most adults could use it on themselves. Traditional anti-choking treatments such as the Heimlich maneuver can come with injury risks. The Dechoker® is a risk-free and should be used in conjunction with traditional choking methods. It is as easy to use as placing a face mask and pulling back on a plunger.

The Dechoker® device is a life saving device which can be used as an airway clearance device on anyone 12 months and up. Dechoker recommends, first action Red Cross/AHA protocol if it fails continue CPR, and use the Dechoker device. Be sure and familiarize yourself with the Dechoker device and review our training video and be prepared before a choking emergency.The Dechoker® gives you peace of mind knowing you're always prepared, and your loved ones are protected… because every second counts.

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