Doctor’s Corner Q+A - Dechoker

Doctor’s Corner Q+A

Take a moment to search our library of questions and answers straight from Dechoker’s medical team.
Dr. Randall Snook, M.D.

Dr. Randall Snook, M.D.
Internal Medicine/Gerontology

Dr. Christopher Rumana, M.D.

Dr. Christopher Rumana, M.D.
Neurological Surgeon

Quick Lookup View all

  • What is the current protocol if an individual is choking?
  • What is the difference between choking above or below the vocal cords?
  • What is the difference between the push and pull methods when someone is choking?
  • What is the importance of the Dechoker®?
  • When should the Dechoker® be used in the first aid process of choking?
  • What happens if the airway blockage is not removed?
  • Why do the current choking procedures become less effective over time?
What is the current protocol if an individual is choking?
What is the current protocol if an individual is choking?
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What is the difference between choking above or below the vocal cords?
What is the difference between choking above or below the vocal cords?
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What is the difference between the push and pull methods when someone is choking?
What is the difference between the push and pull methods when someone is choking?
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What is the importance of the Dechoker®?
What is the importance of the Dechoker®?
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When should the Dechoker® be used in the first aid process of choking?
When should the Dechoker® be used in the first aid process of choking?
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What happens if the airway blockage is not removed?
What happens if the airway blockage is not removed?
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Why do the current choking procedures become less effective over time?
Why do the current choking procedures become less effective over time?
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