Major YouTube channel gives high praises to the Dechoker® device.

Family Fun Pack is a YouTube vlog about a family of 8, covering everything from daily life to parenting, kids, family vacations and parenting struggles, to fun challenges, clothing hauls, and emergency preparedness…just to name a few.

The Family Fun Pack YouTube channel began almost 10 years ago and is close to an impressive 10 million subscribers strong!

It started accidentally with a viral video of the family losing all of their footage from wedding to births, and as a result, mom, Kristine stored her footage on YouTube and mistakenly stored family videos as public, not private…people began to engage and relate to these home videos, and their Family Fun Pack channel was born.

Kristine reached out to Dechoker, after learning about our product and thinking it was a viable, life-saving option in emergencies. On the vlog, she often chooses products to share with her followers, but did not want this to be a paid sponsorship because she felt strongly about simply providing awareness, and possibly helping people stay safe with an actual life-saving device. In our interview with Kristine, she mentioned, “It’s important for people to know about it and I felt it was important for me to share.If you could prevent someone from choking to death…even if it was a random stranger, that would be awesome.”

Kristine and her family keep a Dechoker in her car and their house to always have on hand if needed. Each year in January, Family Fun Pack does an emergency preparedness video, where they go through their emergency bags, practice fire escape, and earthquake drills, and discuss useful first-aid and emergency items…this January 2022, the Dechoker will be featured, and the whole family will learn how to use the device.

“I feel like this is such a revolutionary device…to have something that could really pull something out when you are choking, as opposed to depending on someone to lift your body weight, and actually do the Heimlich properly…cause there are a lot of ifs…and this seems like it’s not as much of an if…”

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