The Dechoker® – An easy-to-use device to stop choking incidents.

The Dechoker® – An easy-to-use device to stop choking incidents.

Did you know that a choking death occurs every two hours? Choking has long been one of the most common medical emergencies but recommended first-aid treatments have remained the same fordecades, and are not always effective. The Dechoker is a viable and effective alternative.

How Does the Dechoker Work?

The Dechoker is extremely easy to usestraight out of the box. It has a face mask that fits over the nose and mouth of the choking victim. Simply pull back on the plunger to suck out the food or other object that’s trapped in the victim’s airway. This process takes only a few precious seconds and comes with no risk of abdominal injury. You can view a video demonstration below:

The Dechoker provides a solution that can be used in conjunction with abdominal thrusts or back slaps, and you can even use it on yourself if you are alone. It is safe for children and elderly individuals alike as it gives a less invasive maneuver to help choking victims.

Emergency devices such as fire extinguishers and defibrillators are commonly found in homes and public spaces, but are even less common than choking.More people die from choking than die in fires, non-fire related carbon monoxide poisoning, drowning or accidental shootings. Further, choking is a leading cause of death for children. One child dies every 5 days from choking. We believe that every diaper bag should have a Dechoker as fun can turn into tragedy with just one bite.

The Dechoker is a proven life-saving device that can be used as an airway clearance device on anyone, regardless of illness, disorder, or other health-related condition. To date, it has saved a documented 215 lives, and many others that have gone uncounted. The Dechoker gives you peace of mind knowing you’re always prepared and your loved ones are protected… because every second counts.

Step-by-Step Guide of Using the Dechoker

1. Have someone call your emergency provider. Remove Dechoker from the package and assure choking victim that help is on the way.

2. Tilt head back and lift chin for optimal access to airway.

3. Insert tongue depressor into mouth with respirator mask covering mouth and nose.

4. Hold respirator mask between your thumb and fingers and apply light but firm pressure to form a seal between the face and mask.

5. Continue to apply light pressure on the mask while pulling the plunger out which will allow maximum performance. Remove mask for ventilation for victim.

6. If victim is still choking, repeat steps 4 and 5. Multiple pumps can be performed to create additional suction if necessary.

7. Once debris has been dislodged, roll individual over on their side to allow additional debris and/or fluid out of the mouth.

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