Dechoker Team Attends Meeting of the European Resuscitation Council

Dechoker Team Attends Meeting of the European Resuscitation Council

Hello from Slovenia! The Dechoker team is in the capital city of Ljubljana this week to share our knowledge of anti-choking devices at the European Resuscitation Council’s congress, Resuscitation 2019.

The theme of this year’s international meeting is “Controversies in Resuscitation,” with a special focus on how controversies in science, guidelines, and practice can be resolved.

Dechoker inventor Alan Carver is among those attending from our team. International outreach and education is part of our mission to end choking deaths around the globe, and we look forward to keeping you informed every step of the way.

The European Resuscitation Council (ERC) provides the standard for resuscitation guidelines and training in Europe and beyond. It is made up of 33 individual national resuscitation councils. The ERC’s self-described objective is “to preserve human life by making high quality resuscitation available to all.”

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